1. Definitions
    1. “Company” refers to Rawafed Libya Telecom & Technology.
    2. Termination of Subscription.
    3. “Services” refers to all services provided by the Company to any person or entity, including any additional services.
    4.  “Service Level Agreement” refers to part of the Terms and Conditions of Services which specifies the level of service provided, which may include a service agreement at the time of service, the expected level of performance in the event of malfunctions, as well as financial implications.
    5. “Reseller” refers to any entity licensed by the company with the right, not including any others, to carry out the resale and distribution of products and services of the Company directly to end users.
    6.  “Employee” refers to personnel working and contracted with the Company.
    7. “Equipment” refers to any device, application extension, or additional device provided by the Company to the Subscriber and linked with the Company’s own communication systems to enable the Subscriber to benefit from the Services.
    8. “Invoice” refers to the bill delivered to the Subscriber during the procurement process and contains the Subscriber information, Service information, Service duration, conditions of the provision of the Service, the financial rates and pricing of the Service, as well as an electronic signature of the Subscriber. Such Invoice is a binding and official agreement between the Company and the Subscriber.
    9. “Service Contract” refers to the official document that is signed between the Company and the Subscriber, specifying all details related to the Service being provided as well as stating the rights and obligations for each party.
    10. “Activation Key” refers to the unique code that is sent to the Subscriber regarding the VSAT Internet Service, through which the Subscriber can activate this Service.
    11.  “Business Working Hours” refers to the hours of which the Company is open and able to carry out business transactions. Please note these hours are susceptible to change, however they can be found on the Company website at www.rltt.net. It is the Subscribers responsibility to keep in check with the Business Working Hours.
    12. “Force Majeure”  refers to any unforeseeable event which is outside the control of the Parties as prescribed in the Libyan law.
  2. General Terms & Conditions:
    1. All services provided the Company, are governed by the terms and conditions, and related definitions, contained in the below:
      1. The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement and supplements for services.
      2. The terms and conditions contained on the Invoice or the signed Service Contract.
      3. The agreement for specific services.
      4. The terms and conditions contained within the companies Network Management Policy, provided to the Company by Eutelsat specifically to be applied to any VSAT related services
    2. A hard copy of the current version of the General Terms and Conditions is available at the Company’s premises. An electronic version can also be found on the Company website: http://www.rltt.net. It is the subscriber’s responsibility to read all applicable terms and conditions before signing the Agreement.
    3. All terms and conditions of the Service apply upon the Subscriber’s signing of the Service Contract or Invoice, this also includes any possible amendments or modifications which are to be considered valid and binding once they have been posted to either the Company website or notification has been provided to the Subscriber.
    4. The Subscriber can contact the Company by visiting either the Company or Resellers premises, or via telephone, mail, fax or E-mail. The Company or Reseller shall contact the Subscriber via field visits, telephone, mail, fax or E-mail, or by sending letters and correspondence to the Subscriber’s registered P.O. Box address as mentioned in the Service Contract or Invoice.
    5. All terms and conditions and rates in force are subject to modification at the discretion of the Company
    6. The Service might be adversely affected from time to time due to network congestion or delays, maintenance, holidays, installation of equipment, or installation of equipment on distribution points, inclement weather conditions, or other technical or operational constraints which may occur during times of network expansion or reconfiguration.
    7. The Company shall not be responsible for any loss of Service due to Subscriber’s failure to follow the user manual instructions.
  3. Company’s Obligations
    1.  The Company must offer the same terms and conditions of service to all Subscribers. This obligation applies to tariffs and fees calculated and taking into account the discounts and facilities which may be granted by the Company to some of its Subscribers. In all cases the Company shall ensure to put its best efforts in providing the best quality of Services to all Subscribers, with no differentiation of treatment between the Subscribers. The only case where any exceptions shall be made will be as per the pre-defined levels of the Company’s Service Level Agreements and the level of which the Customer falls within.
    2. In case of an interruption of Service for technical reasons arising from the Company or due to maintenance, the Company should make every effort to re-establish the Service as soon as possible. This obligation does not include any interruptions of Service which result from the misuse of the Subscriber or any another reason beyond the control of the Company.
    3. In case of an interruption of Service for any reason whether technical, operational, legislative, commercial, in case of Force Majeure or otherwise, the Company is not liable to compensate the Subscriber for any damage or loss which results from the interruption of Service, nor is the Company responsible to refund any sums of money which have already been paid by the Subscriber.
    4. The Company reserves the right to propose new Services subject to the current tariff or modify the definitions and /or terms and conditions of existing Services and conduct promotional offers. The Company shall provide information relating to these matters through the most suitable method of communication decided by the Company.
    5. The Company reserves the right to propose new Services subject to the current tariff or modify the definitions and /or terms and conditions of existing Services and conduct promotional offers. The Company shall provide information relating to these matters through the most suitable method of communication decided by the Company.
    6. During official working hours, Employees are ready to provide Subscribers with assistance and conduct field visits when needed. All Employees shall identify their names and position. It is prohibited for any Company Employee to seek or accept any money, gifts or favors, in respect to the work being provided on behalf of the Company.
  4. Subscriber’s Obligations
    1. The Subscriber must pay all tariffs and fees for the Services provided to him by the Company./li>
    2. The Subscriber may not allow any person or entity using the Services or Equipment provided by the Company for any purpose other than its intended purposes mentioned in the Invoice.
    3. Only authorized Resellers granted a license by the Company may resell or distribute our Services. The Subscriber shall not in any way re-sell, lease, or assign the Services to another entity or individual unless prior approval has been taken from the Company before any transactions are made.
    4. All Equipment provided by the Company to the Subscriber which is used for the purposes of providing the Service remains the property of the Company. At termination, and for any reason, the Subscriber must return such devices and Equipment to the Company, unless it was purchased from the Company and paid at full value.
    5. For the best quality of Service, the Subscriber must use the Equipment approved or recommended by the Company. The Company does not assume any responsibility for the use of non-compliant Equipment or the misuse of the Equipment.
    6. The Company may claim against any Subscriber for any misuse of Company resources. If the Subscriber deliberately or for the lack of reasonable care, exploited the Company by creating a negative impact on Company resources causing loss or damage, the Subscriber will be expected to repay the Company all incurred costs. In such cases, the Company reserves the right to terminate the Services without prior notification to the Subscriber.
    7. The Subscriber shall not disclose to any third party the user name and password or any other protected information provided to him from the Company. In the event of loss or leakage of this information to any other party, the Subscriber is responsible to immediately change this information, whether done independently or with the assistance of the Company.
    8. The Subscriber has the freedom to enjoy the Services and Equipment provided to him by the Company for their intended purposes as outlined in the Service Contract. Any other use of the Service, including for illegal purposes, or in violation of applicable laws and regulations, or messages of expletive nature are considered prohibited. The Subscriber alone bears full legal responsibility for failure to comply with this obligation.
    9. The Subscriber shall inform the Company immediately in the event of loss or theft of any Equipment or device which aims to prevent the use of the Equipment for purposes contrary to the law. The Subscriber will remain responsible for any use of the Service until the case is reported.
    10. The Subscriber must notify the Company of any changes to their data that was provided during the initial registration i.e address, location, contact information etc. The Subscriber is solely responsible for any disruption in Services as a result of the Subscribers lack of notification of any changes to their data to the Company.
    11. The Subscriber must activate the Service within the period specified by the Company and in the manner set forth in the Service Contract or Invoice. If the Subscriber does not fulfill this obligation, the Company will have the full right to take any appropriate action at the given time.
  5. Customer Services and Complaints
    1. Billing
      1. The Subscriber is responsible to review and verify the accuracy of the Invoices and shall, on the same day of the issuance of the Invoice, notify the Company of any error or inconsistency in the Invoice before the end of the working day. Any complaints received afterwards shall not be taken into consideration.
      2. n the case a Subscriber places a complaint with the Company regarding inaccurate information on an issued Invoice, a complain ticket shall be issued upon which a Customer Service Representative should study the complaint and try to solve it immediately. In the case the Customer Service Representative is unable to solve the nature of the complaint, the issue shall internally be escalated to upper management within the Customer Service Department to investigate further and resolve the issue.
      3. Once the investigation has been completed regarding the Subscribers complaint, the Company shall inform the Subscriber of the nature of the problem and the decision that has been taken by the Company to resolve the Subscribers issue within 10 working days of receiving the complaint.
    2. Service Malfunction
      1. Any Subscriber can report a Service Malfunction by calling either the Company’s Customer Service Department or by visiting the Company premises within the defined Business Working Hours.
      2. When reporting a Service Malfunction, the Subscriber is required to provide specific details, including contact information, details of the device or Equipment used, as well as a description of the problem. After the issuance of a complaint ticket, the complaint will be pursued by the Customer Service team.
      3. When a subscriber contacts the Customer Service Department to place a complaint, the Company shall double check the Subscribers identity with the information recorded in the Company database. If the information is not matching, the Company has the right to stop encounters and take no further action.
      4. Following the investigation of the Service Malfunction, the Company will take corrective action to restore the Service in the soonest time possible.
      5. Once the Company has informed the Subscriber of the remedial actions taken, the complaint ticket will then be closed.
    3. Escalation of Complaint to Management:
      1. When a decision to resolve a complaint is not deemed satisfactory to the Subscriber or a dispute arises after the application of all procedures adopted in the resolution of conflicts, the Subscriber may escalate their complaint via written letter or email to the Customer Service Manager to reconsider the decision that has been taken in respect to matters regarding the following criteria:
        • Invoice.
        • Service Malfunction complaints.
        • The quality or the type of Service provided.
        • Loss of Service./li>
        • nterpretation of the Terms of Service.
        • Interpretation or application of any of the definitions adopted.
        • Dealing with confidential information related to the Subscriber or Any other matter that falls within the jurisdiction of the company’s management.
  6. Suspension and Termination of Services
    1. The term of the Service begins on the date of activation.
    2. Either of the Company or Subscriber may terminate the Services, including all related Agreements, in accordance with this agreement as mentioned in the points below.
    3. A Subscriber may initiate termination of service by submitting a written and signed request after all amounts due to the company have been paid.
    4. The Company may, without prior notice, suspend any Service or terminate the Agreement with the Subscriber as per the following cases:
      1. The Subscriber committed a breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Service Level Agreement or in any of the documents described in Section 2.1 of this Agreement.
      2. Failure to pay Invoices or fees on time.
      3. The Company comes to discover that the Subscriber provided false information in any of the documents, Invoices, Service Contracts or otherwise.
      4. The Subscriber engages in activity that could harm or adversely affect the Company, its business and interests.
      5. In the event of bankruptcy or liquidation of the Company.
      6. f the necessary licenses granted to the Company by the competent authorities are revoked;
        Thus, if under such circumstances, the Services are suspended or terminated, the Subscriber is bound to pay all fees incurred in full, until the date of the end of the term of the Agreement. The Company reserves the right to use all legal avenues to retrieve its rights from the Subscriber.
      7. The Subscriber is not adhering to the Fair Usage Policy.
    5. In the case of Force Majeure, which prevents the Company from fulfilling its obligations, the Company may suspend or terminate the Services for the period of the Force Majeure, upon notice to the Customer.
    6. In the case of termination of the Services that are subject to prepayment, the Subscriber may not claim refund of any amount which has already been paid upon purchasing the Service.
  7. Subscriber Data Confidentiality
    1. The Company or authorized Resellers have the right to collect Subscriber’s personal information in order to provide the Service, for the purposes of billing, collecting directory information, conducting market research and for promotional purposes.
    2. The Company or authorized Resellers may disclose the Subscriber’s personal information when required to them by law, to law enforcement agencies to assist in the provision of emergency services and crime prevention. For all other representations and entities, the Company shall not disclose personal data without the Subscriber’s explicit consent in writing.
  8. Modification of Terms and Conditions of Service
    1. The Company is entitled to change or modify these Terms and Conditions of Service at any time and without reference to the Subscriber.
  9. Copyright
    1. All content that has been provided by the Company are to be considered “All Rights Reserved” to the Company and may not be used or provided to any other party without the Company’s prior written consent.
  10. Limitation of Liability
    1. The Company shall not be liable whatsoever for any claim, loss, or damage incurred by the Subscriber for any reason, including without limitation:
      • The unavailability or misuse of the Service.
      • Interruption, suspension, or termination of the Service.
      • For the content, accuracy, quality and availability of information and resources that is received and sent through the use of the Service.
      • For any loss or damage of any property, or the loss of data.
  11. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    1. This Agreement and all other terms and conditions of the Service are governed by the law of the state of Libya. Any dispute or claim arising out of such Agreements shall be settled within the jurisdiction of the courts of Libya.
  12. Fair Usage Policy
    1. All RLTT users are subject to RLTT Fair usage policy and may be subject to suspension, termination, or bandwidth limiting for usage which is “continually excessive, unfair, affects other users’ enjoyment of the broadband service, or is not consistent with the usage typically expected on a particular package. This policy is enforced directly, without legal proceedings